Armer Ritter

for the Weekender Magazine, Dezember 14, 2016

Sunday mornings are my favorite. Especially the ones that last til late after noon. No alarm clock, no appointments, no plans… and very often nothing left in the fridge as well. „Arme Ritter“ as we call it in Germany, exist in many countries and plenty of variations. I love the fact that you can make a gallant sunday morning dish out of leftovers and it tastes like the best thing on the planet. All you need is some old bread (beside the classic toast or brioche, a sourdough bread is pretty nice as well and even pretzels taste fantastic), eggs a bit of cream or milk and sugar or maple syrup. If you like it fancy, add some bacon or vanilla ice-cream. Or both.

Armer Ritter

2 slices of leftover bread
1 egg
125ml heavy cream or milk
a pinch of salt
plenty of butter to fry
some sugar or maple syrup

In a bowl, mix the egg, cream and salt with a fork. Dip in the slices of bread until the mixture is soaked in.
In a big pan, heat the butter. Add the slices of bread and fry them until they get golden brown.
Poor over the maple syrup, ad a scoop of vanilla ice-cream, or some crispy bacon stripes.